*Please Note that it is the generosity and partnership of our financial partners that makes it possible for me to serve as the director of Asia’s Little Ones! I don’t receive any funds from the ministry personally, so that everything that is raised for the ministry can go directly to the homes, health, and education projects across Asia Pacific.
Journey to Fiji: Finding an unexpected darkness...
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Cambodia 2022
I knew very little about Cambodia before going there. In high school I studied the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge, and the murderous devastation they had wreaked on their own people. I knew nothing of the land, food, religion, and people there now.
The purpose in my visit to Cambodia was for an orphanage that Asia’s Little Ones has been involved with helping. Interestingly in Cambodia, for many years it was a closed country to foreigners and missionaries. When it reopened, there were so many orphans and education was so low and in demand that opening/running orphanages and schools were the only visas missionaries could get to return to the country. The kids at the orphanage were amazing young people. Full of hopes and dreams, and incredibly smart and talented. As I spent time playing with the little ones, swimming with the older ones, eating, worshiping, and praying with the kids the house mothers, and staff my heart was so drawn to this place and this ministry I even asked the Lord if one day He might call us to Cambodia?
A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are some photos of the kids. Please pray for them! To give to the orphanage in Cambodia click below.