Church Plant In Sulawesi…
In July, Tim & TJ traveled to Indonesia, and thanks to Osceola AG had the funds to help a church planter, who is a former student of ours, purchase land and begin the construction on the first church in the Kabupaten (like a county) of Topoyo in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Imagine your entire county WITHOUT a church. Praise God for the miraculous provision of finances, favor with local islamic communities, and a pioneering pastor that was willing to say, “Yes!”.
What began as one Bible Study in a home, became two, and then a network of believers until the decision was made to pray for a place to build a Church so that these new believers could gather all together, worship together and become the first established church in that area in all of time and history!
Further south in Makassar, we rejoice as another church we were privileged to be partners in planting over a decade ago has grown so much that it will be the first Assemblies of God Church to own a piece of land and build in the largest city on the Island, Makassar which has over 1.5 million people.
We rejoice over these victories, but we strive to see more! There are still millions of people in Sulawesi without a Gospel witness who in all of history have never had the good news of Jesus reach their ears or hearts.