March 15-17
I was invited to join the Assemblies of God World Missions leadership at a campout/ retreat hosted by the Texas A&M Chi Alpha group. This was intended to gather students from many different Texas Universities Chi Alphas to expose them to missions, challenge them to pray about missions, empower them to evangelize and worship Jesus. Let’s just say, it didn’t disappoint.
Roughly 500 college students gave up their Spring Break, There were a number of speakers in the sessions, and all of our AGWM missionaries had an opportunity to share about their ministry. We had a tent that was set up each night to serve cup o’ noodles free of charge (a college student's favorite price) and campfires where missionaries would sit around and tell stories.
One afternoon, the students were broken up into groups and released into College Station City. There they looked for opportunities to pray with and share Jesus with complete strangers. There were great stories shared that night of boldness and breakthroughs. The first day was the most eventful for us. We had shown up before all the activities started. Setting up our Yurts that we would be camping in and the canopies that were set up for our noodle distribution center. Rain threatened all day, but we’d get a light shower here or there, but nothing significant. We had nothing significant, until there was. Right at 11pm, as things were just starting to wind down, we went from very peaceful, calm skies to nearly hurricane power straight winds. A number of us guys grabbed a hold of the canopies as they threatened to blow away. Our cup o’ noodles that were set up neatly were being violently blown off the tables where they were neatly stacked. Two guys started to gather them while me and another guy held onto the canopies. For about 20 minutes that rain and wind pounded us, but we knew if we let go, the canopies were gone.
After about 10 minutes, the water was ankle deep. It was at this point that I noticed that the power strip that our lights were plugged into, was submerged under water. Grabbing the cable of the lights plugged into it, I hoisted it onto the table. After 20 minutes had passed, and only two of us were left out there holding down the canopies, the other guy noticed that the power strip that I had pulled up, still had the connection to the extension cord underwater. Grabbing the power strip cable, I tried to lift it out of the water. I emphasize that I tried, because as I pulled the cable, the extension cord was caught under an ice chest, causing it to come unplugged, knocking out our light source and the extension cord fell back into the water. Now I am in ankle deep water, in the dark, with a live extension cord in the water. Thankfully, God protected me until it was unplugged.
We then proceeded to bring everything we could, into the main service tent. It was there that we were informed by the other missionaries that they were heading for a hotel. Storm came on so fast, that the ladies Yurt wasn’t closed up and all their stuff was soaked so they didn’t have much of an option, but there were a couple guys that went to “make sure the ladies got there alright”. Me and two other guys stayed and slept in the Yurt. Ours stayed incredibly dry, and had a rubber floor. The water was ankle deep around our Yurt, making it feel like a water bed inside. It wasn’t the most pleasant night's rest, but I did it.
The majority of college students also bailed on the camping and headed to the hotel. The next night there was hardly anyone at all camping, though the rest of the missionaries joined us for the second night. All in all, it was an incredible experience and God did a good thing there. Thank You to all who were praying for us during that time.