Ibu Kaihatu
Church planting is Tim’s heart and what drew him to the Island of Sulawesi in the first place. When we first came to this island the GSJA (Assemblies of God of Indonesia) was under the leadership of a great man named Pak Kaihatu. He recently passed away a few years ago, but Tim had the opportunity earlier this year to visit with his wife while he was in the same town she lives in for meetings with the printing company in Java about his tablet project for pastors and church planters. Ibu Kaihatu is still a vibrant and passionate woman of God and encouraged Tim and Pak Supri (the leader of our pastor’s training school in Palopo, and a fellow church planter) to keep on expanding the Kingdom of God in Sulawesi. She inspired them with stories and reminded them of the importance of continuing to plant seeds and never give up, for at the right time we will reap a harvest!
After leaving Java and traveling to Sulawesi, we were able to spend some time in Makassar the capital city of South Sulawesi, where we have helped with three church plants, but the need for the Gospel is still so great with millions in the city who have still never heard about Jesus. Please pray with us for the Makassar people as we still have such a burden for this city.
Wells Chapel
A ten hour drive from Makassar, we arrived in Pepabri, the village where STAT/Karisma campus is located outside of the small town of Palopo. I included a photo of the chapel that a faithful financial partner helped us build there. STAT is our pastor’s training school that we helped revitalize in 2011, and is now running strong! Karisma is the Christian High School that was began on the same campus in 2013 when we realized that many of the students who came to be part of the Bible College level program of STAT, had no high school education. Today Karisma and STAT are both strong programs that are discipling and preparing young pastors to pastor the existing churches of our island. However even more exciting is that in past couple of years Tim has been working with them to see the vision of an expansion come to pass of a special program devoted specifically to church planting! This will equip and train those called to expand the Kingdom of God among the Luwu, Bugis, Enrengkang, Torajan, and Makassar people of South Sulawesi. Keep this project and it’s slow but steady progress in your prayers!
Ibu Hanni & Pak Supriadi
In this photo featured we spent time pouring into a dynamic couple that we have partnered with in ministry for nearly 15yrs. (Many of the foods featured in the foods blog were meals shared with this couple during our time with them in January.) Ibu Hanni runs Karisma, Pak Supriadi is the President of STAT. As one of their side ministries they have also revitalized a church that was down to 1person in a nearby village. It is now a thriving congregation of over 50. Please pray for them and their three children that are in high school. They are very smart kids who have worked really hard and desire to go to University. This amazing couple serves sacrificially in their roles and their combined income is less than $100 a month. Will you help Tim and I to bless them so that their kids can come one step closer to their dreams? To find out how you can do this email Tim at reachingonemore@gmail.com, and thank you in advance!